April 6, 2016 Jane Feldman Slave and Slaveholder Descendants Break Free of History's Trauma—Together April 6, 2016 Jane Feldman Responding to past traumas like slavery and acts of terrorism can heal us—and future generations.
April 6, 2016 Jane Feldman The Spiritual Side of Photographing Mandela, Tutu, and the Dalai Lama April 6, 2016 Jane Feldman Photographer Jane Feldman on earning the trust of beloved world leaders—and capturing their laughter.
April 6, 2016 Jane Feldman When the Grandmothers Awoke April 6, 2016 Jane Feldman Becoming a global family, one that unites ancient indigenous wisdom with other faith and cultural traditions, is essential if humanity is to overcome the crises of climate change.