Jefferson's Children
The Story of One American Family
JEFFERSON’S CHILDREN: The Story of One American Family (Random House, 2nd edition) by co-authors Lanier and Feldman, is used in course curricula in many junior high schools, high schools, and colleges around the country. It has become a powerful catalyst for discussion on issues of Race and Family. Prestigious Columbia University and Rutgers University use the book in courses on Race and the Law. Historical essays are contributed by Annette Gordon-Reed, recent recipient of both the Pulitzer Prize, and the MacArthur Genius award. Other contributors include award winning journalist, and family member, Lucian K. Truscott IV.
"…a wonderful book" —Ken Burns
"… a fascinating story" —Archbishop Desmond Tutu
“…An extraordinary extended family!” —Publishers Weekly
For a full press kit, contact Jane Feldman
Today Show with NBC's Harry Smith: Descendants of Thomas Jefferson’s slaves spend the night at Monticell
WAMC Northeast Public Radio: Jefferson’s Children at Mount Holyoke College
CBS Sunday Morning: Jefferson’s Irony: Voice of liberty, slave owner